On the new Howl.Link, we’re launching Offers. Offers are personalized offers from brands with guaranteed dollars allocated just for you. You’ll always see Offers at the top of your Howl homepage, in addition to getting email and SMS alerts if you have those enabled.
⏱️ Once you receive an Offer, you have a limited time to Accept or Pass. Only Accept Offers you intend to act on, since your activity and success on an Accepted Offer will improve your future Offers from Brands.
How To View & Accept or Pass on an Offer
When you login to the new Howl.Link, you’ll always see your pending Offers at the top of your homepage with the time remaining to accept the offer and a button to “View Offer” to see more Offer details and Accept or Pass on an Offer.
Select “View Offer” to see the Offer details, preview the Campaign it’s associated with, and Accept or Pass on the Offer. Only Accept Offers you intend to act on, since your activity and success on an Accepted Offer will improve your future Offers from Brands.
Once you “Accept” an Offer, it’ll stay on your homepage so you can track your progress. You can also go to the Campaign page that’s associated with the Offer to see your personalized progress tracker.
While we’d love for you to Accept the Offer, the quicker you Pass on Offers you aren’t interested in, the quicker we can reallocate that budget to others. If you do Pass on an Offer, we’ll ask for some quick feedback so that we can get better Offers for you in the future.