Want to create links as you browse a specific retailer or just in general? Our Howl Chrome Extension is one of our most-loved features and we've made it even better for Howl.Link.
For Howl.link you need a different Chrome Extension than you use on Planethowl (don't worry, when the full migration happens we'll just have one extension. Install the Howl.link Chrome Extension here: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/howllink/pjcaegngkdbkpjajailefdeckfoefpob
Once that's installed, you can browse retailers and the web with clarity on what is monetizable on Howl. When you're on a monetizable page, click the extension to see commission details and make the link! You can always manage your link after it's been created through our extension by logging into your account on app.howl.link and going to your Links page.