We’ve updated your Howl experience to give you a better view of earnings, returns, and payments.
Howl Select
Unlike other affiliate platforms, 50% of brands on Howl don’t penalize creators for returns - this is called Howl Select and these brands have a green checkmark next to their logos on Howl. This means that on Howl, big retailers like Target and Best Buy, plus direct-to-consumer brands like Cariuma and Merit do not deduct returns from your earnings. You can see if a brand is Howl Select on the brand page:
Returns Reporting
For other brands that are not Howl select, we’ve improved the way you see returns data. We understand that with commission based earnings, every sale counts, and that returns and payment timing can complicate things. To help you stay on top of it all, right next to Earnings data, we’ve added a returns column across Earnings analytics reporting:
Payment Terms
We’re moving to brand-specific payment schedules on Howl.Link in 2025. Each brand will now follow its own schedule based on each brand’s terms. Soon, you’ll be able to view each brand’s terms directly in the Brand dashboard, giving you a clear timeline for payments. Details will be uploaded into your dashboard in January 2025.
Brand Payment Delays
Plus, we’ve increased transparency in your Payments dashboard to indicate if you’re experiencing any delays. This page will detail the brands that have not yet remitted payments to Howl – when the brands release payment, you will receive your funds the following week.